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重汽底盘 、陕汽底盘 、潍柴发动机 、HOAV矿山 、矿山霸王7060矿等


济南市荣事达汽配销售有限公司,是一家专营:howo.豪沃a7.斯太尔(王).陕汽德龙f3000.北方奔驰等重型汽车配件有限公司,本公司面向全国(出口俄罗斯 越南 南非 委内瑞纳)批发 零售中国重汽 中国陕汽整车及其配件,我公司在销售整车配件的同时,突出自身优势,在汽车驾驶室总成及内外装饰件,钣金件,底盘件,驱动桥总成苦下功夫,在配件同行中取得优势!
本公司坚持“靠质量求生存,以服务促发展”的原则,本着“低价位 高质量 重服务 重信誉”的宗旨,与全国各地的配件经销商,服务站建立了良好的合作关系!
我们希望借重汽这一平台,结识全国各地的同行,结交天南地北的朋友:携手共进 共创明天

ji'nan city royalstar auto sales company limited, is a franchise: howo. howard a7. steyr ( king ). by delong. the north-benz heavy-duty auto parts company limited, the company nationwide ( russian exports of vietnam south africa appoint inside rena ) wholesale and retail auto parts and accessories of china heavy truck in china, our company in the sales vehicle accessories at the same time, highlighting their advantages, in the cab of the vehicle assembly and outside the decorative pieces, sheet metal parts, chassis parts, drive axle assembly of hard, in the peer in the leading edge of accessories!

the company adhere to" survive by quality, service and development" principle, the spirit of" low price high quality service reputation" of pure, throughout the country and parts dealers, service stations to establish a good relationship of cooperation!

we hope that through this platform for heavy truck, meet their counterparts across the country far apart from each other, to make friends: work together for a better tomorrow

企业名称: 济南荣事达汽配商行 企业类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
所 在 地: 山东/济南 企业规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 2000
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
企业模式: 贸易商
所属范围: 重汽底盘 、陕汽底盘 、潍柴发动机 、HOAV矿山 、矿山霸王7060矿等